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One-Third of Largest Utilities in the US Lag Behind in Mobile App Availability

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A recent report has found that despite the ubiquity of smartphones and the growing demand for mobile accessibility, one-third of the nation’s largest utilities still do not have mobile apps. This means that customers of these utilities are not able to easily access important information or manage their accounts through their smartphones.

According to the report, utilities that do not offer mobile apps are missing out on an opportunity to improve customer satisfaction and engagement. By offering convenient mobile access to account information, billing and payment options, outage alerts, and other services, utilities can enhance the customer experience and build stronger relationships with their customers.

The report also suggests that utilities that do not have mobile apps may be at a competitive disadvantage, as customers are increasingly seeking out companies that offer the convenience of mobile access.

While many utilities have recognized the importance of mobile accessibility and have developed apps for their customers, there is still work to be done to ensure that all customers have access to these important tools. The report calls on utilities that do not yet have mobile apps to prioritize their development and implementation in order to meet the evolving needs and expectations of their customers.